Hello. I'm a Web Developer

About me

I'm currently studying Web Development at Codecademy. My goal is to become a Full-Stack Engineer.

I'm originally from Brazil, but I'm currently studying and living in Montreal, Canada. I'm 19 years old and my hobbies include Piano, videogames and code.


Programming Languages:

  • Python 3
  • JavaScript ES6+
  • CSS3
  • HTML5
A picture of me.

This is me right after I finished Weathery, my first UI program.


Weathery was the first program with a user interface that I ever created. It was written in python, the first programming language that I learned back in 2020. Its features include a button that allows you to change the temperature from farenheit to celsius, choose the location, see the weather report for the week and a secret music option!

I have plans to build a demo version in JavaScript that will run on this website.

Here are three screenshots of the program running on Pycharm:

Weathery-pic-1 Weathery-pic-2 Weathery-pic-3

lorem Ipsium Generator


I built this useful word-generator for you to fill in your prototypes easily. I have used it myself on the Jurassic World website. Features:

  • Change Each paragraph's length
  • Neat gradient design
  • Responsive design

This Website is deployed on Github. You can access it by clicking on this link.

Comment Analyzer for Reddit

This is a Back-End Web-Scraping program that I coded with python. Like many other projects, the inspiration for this program to be created was a real-life problem. I wanted to analyze data from the comment section to see how much of x word is in the comments, and then display the result both in numbers and percentages. Here is a video of this software being used:

It returns the results in a numerical dictionary sorted in a top-to-bottom hierarchichal pattern. It features:

  • An advanced bubble sort algorithm
  • Advanced python concepts like decorator functions & object oriented programming.
  • Selenium Web scraping technology
  • Tutorial of installation on GitHub

You can browse the code by clicking here

A Game of divs


This is an interactive JavaScript game that I created for people to explore the powers of CSS, and how it can transform the style of a div.

The main goal was for me to practice DOM with JS by adding interactivity to the site. You can visit it now and play by clicking here.

Random Color Website

This was my first ever DOM project, so I had to keep it simple. Navigate to the website and see which random color you get! Refresh the page to see new colors.

Birthday Simulator

This was a tough one. I spent hours trying to figure out the logic of this program, which is basically to assign a requested number of people a random birthday and see if there are any matches.

Image of the birthday program running

The inspiration for that was the birthday paradox. You'd think that there would have to be at least 365 people for any birthday matches to occur, but the chances are at 50% already with only 23 people!*. And it's pretty much 100% with the double of that many people.

Weird, isn't it? Well, it turns out that our perception is like that because we are selfish. We always think of the birthday match to ourselves, but never with the rest of the room. The chances increase exponentiolly as the number of people in that room increase. I realised that while coding because the logic algorithm has to compare everyone with everyone else.

To calculate the probability, I used this formula from the thorough Wikipedia description of the problem.

To understand it better, I also watched Kevin's "Vsauce2" video that elegantly explains the paradox.

You can access the application's Github repository by clicking here.

Video-game idea Organizer

Image of the birthday program running

The link to this website is abailable by clicking on this link

As a programmer (& a massive video-games fan), I usually have a lot of ideas on cool games I will one day code. This site is perfect for me to organize my brainstorming of how I want the game to be.

The page is interactive (with JavaScript's DOM manipulations) and lets you choose different styles for your end-result. It also features HTML forms.

It was also the first time that I used a front-end framework to cut-back the time it takes to style everything.

When I learn about databases and hardcore backend programming, I will turn this website into a place where people can post and share their videogame Ideas with each other.

Starfleet News

starfleet news image

I got this idea beacuse I'm a massive Star Trek fan. On the series Deep Space Nine, Jake Sisko is a reporter And writes articles about the crazy things that happen around him. I always wandred how would an article of his would look like in an actual website, so I created starfleetnews.space. It took me just a few days to assemble everything, and it's one of the projects that I enjoy the most.

The website is fully responsive. (yes, even the fake ads appear on any screen size)

To-do list

starfleet news image

I always wanted to organize my day, but all to-do apps lacked one simple feature: colorized styling. So I created a website, called todo, that allowed me to do just that.

Now I enjoy ticking boring tasks in a list even more!